Sunday, 15 May 2011

Being lost in cyber space

It is a fact that internet is the spearhead of digital industrial revolution but, we should not forget that it has also very dangerous effects on life of some people. According to statistics, one of the reasons of getting divorce in some families is related to cyber sex or cyber affairs. In other word, every year tones of employees have been fired for the reason of cyber lacking at work due to excessive email or downloading pornography or endless cyber surfing.

Fred, 29 year old whose sexual pre-occupation became dangerous when combined with the power of internet. He was addicted to pornography on internet and completely lost his control. He also spent a large amount of money for buying porno films using credit card.
For Fred and some others, any interaction with the internet become so sexually stimulating that in leads to an addictive pattern of use.
In my opinion, recognition of both the dark and light side of internet will enable us to be served by technology instead of ensnared by it.

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