Monday 20 June 2011

Cyber marketing

This term is used more by businesses and refers to use of internet to attract potential customers. They do this marketing activity by for example by using advertising for their products and services that they offer. These advertisings are shown to customers through websites, emails and so on. The businesses find profitable customers through their cyber marketing and then interact with them to improve their business activities. These activities may be such as online marketing.
It is obvious that there are some advantages and disadvantages with this activity. For example customers have enough time to search for their needed information without stress. And also companies can increase the number of their customers and also increase their profitability and growth opportunities.
But there are some frauds that happen in these situations. Crimes often happen in this field are credit card fraud and usage. Customers sometimes have fear to give their credit card information to buy a product. The other crime is that every person who runs the website is doing it with a unique IP address. If you receive many sales leads, each of them should have its own IP address, so if not, then there is a fraud.  There should be always coincidence between the information of the credit card and the contact information.

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