Thursday 16 June 2011


If I go more through cyber terrorism subject, I can say that there is another level of attack in cyber terrorism that has political motivations and better saying it is the combination of political activities and hacking. This is hacktivism. There are some types of attacks against computer systems like physical, syntactic and semantic that you might not have any idea and even heard about it.
In physical attacks, attackers use weapons such as bombs or fire. In syntactic attack the attacker use a kind of software to damage the computers or networks. This software is sometimes referred to malicious software. The attackers may do it through sending emails.
In the third one that is caused by producing errors and unpredictable marks or results in computers by publishing incorrect information to users computers in order to attack users confidence. One example of computer based attack was related to Israel and Palestine conflict in 2000. Some Israeli teenagers did syntactic attacks against computers which were maintained by Palestinian organization Hezbollah and Hamas. So to respond to this attack Palestinians immediately crashed a number of Israeli websites which among those websites some were belonged to Israel Defense Force, the Bank of Israel and the Foreign Ministry.
I believe cyber terrorism phenomenon can be a critical matter and issue for the computer industry and society in general and it seems the countries must legislate strong law against cyber terrorism and more important is being committed to the law.

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