Thursday 23 June 2011


This post of mine is about jurisdiction. A word you may not heard about it because it is a word that used most by courts. If I want to give a simple definition, I can say that jurisdiction is the legal right or better the power of courts and judges to do their authority and decide about happened cases.
When a case happens in the unbound internet area, it is very important to investigate which country or state has authority to track the case. For example, when someone in US defrauds someone else in UK, which country has authority to go through the case? So many examples exist in the internet about jurisdiction but, to find the answer we should know about the cause and effect of the act.
In this situation, the cause of fraud is located in US but the effect of the criminal act is in UK. So, both countries have the right of follow the case in their courts.
Now suppose when someone create and release a virus to destroy or hack others’ accounts around the world, all countries’ court which are affected by this criminal act have jurisdiction.
Like many other legal issues, the more important aspect is implementation and being committed to the protocols which signed between countries.

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