Thursday 9 June 2011

Privacy Policy

In my previous post I pointed out the privacy on internet that involves the security aspect of individual or information. Where the vast information is on the internet so, it needs some security to keep them safe. In this part I am going to discuss about risks of internet privacy.
We know that in today’s world or better technological world, many of people are subject to threats of privacy. Companies will watch what you are visiting online and also to infiltrate the information and send advertising while watching their sites. People set up account for social networks like facebook or myspace or they enter bank or credit cards information to various websites. So, having concerns are normal or people through using internet. These concerns may be about malicious acts such as misusing their personal information or even sometimes acts such as spreading of spywares that are software’s which collect information form user’s computer without permission.
So, privacy policy is provided on most of social networking sites to ensure their users about the protection of their entered information. For instance, on facebook the privacy policy is that users have ability to block certain individuals from seeing their profile and prevent them from the access to their picture and videos. However there is weakness in this site that is when users deactivate their profiles, their information will remain on the facebook’s database.
Me, as a user, believe that it should be the user’s right to apply such settings when providing personal information on the internet.

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