Monday 6 June 2011

In this part I am going to discuss about securing a copyright. When a work is created by the author for the first time and registered under copyright, it is protected by copyright automatically. But, securing the copyright is so difficult because there are lots of ways that the rules broken.
In cyber space or internet the problem is in more expand. By increasing in technologies in computer networks, anybody who can read about something can also make a copy. It is important to notice that web pages are the same as tangible products and the content of them are the same as magazines, books and required copyright protection. Taking the content of one website and then reproducing and using it in another website become easy and available by digital technology. So, the original work of author will be in danger. In order to protect the authors’ works, we can consider these followings;
The first is to ensure that the work is properly marked. The second could be registration of the work that is required when the author wants to claim the work belonging. And the third one is if the author works in group so coworkers’ agreement is important and required.


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